Edwin Dermott

Species Human
Age 32
Height 6'1"
Occupation Biomedical Engineer
Alias Green Mantis
Danger Level SC-4 Qualification required to approach

Co-founder and senior biomedical engineer of the Nüyü corporation - Edwin stays out of the spotlight.

He is rarely seen outside of his lab. Edwin himself hates dealing with anything relating to the business side of their corporation - frequently coming off as crass and abrasive to get out of business meetings or interviews for the general public. In order to keep a good public image, his co-founder partner (Dude Name) handles all of the executive business decisions with input from Edwin.

He much prefers experimenting with prosthetic materials and mechanisms to put out world-class prosthetic technology. Edwin knows he's the backbone of the Nüyü Corporation and he uses his privelege to it's full extent. He has numerous inventions to his name, both legal and illegal.


Early Years

Not much is known about the enigmatic co-founder's upbringing. He is quite private regarding his personal life. He is known to be an orphan and that he had lost his arm in an accident during his childhood - it is unknown if these two events coincide.

Edwin was known to be a star student - if a little uncooperative. He was adept at almost every school subject but his socialization skills were a little lacking. After high school, he easily netted a full ride scholarship to (idk decide school here) - earning a bachelor's degree in Engineering before going on to earn a Masters in Biomedical Engineering. When asked, he does admit the loss of his arm influenced his career decisions.

story about how he founded the company here

Creation of the 'Green Mantis'

It is unknown if Edwin had had some sort of mentor who pulled him into the dark underbelly of (whatever city) or if he simply saw it as an untapped market. Edwin would be quick to earn a name for himself with the various unscrupulous gadgetry he sold off to 'villains', going by the alias (smth else). He kept his true identity confidential, often employing various proxies to engage in deals and swiftly dealing with those who poked their nose where it didn't belong. Edwin found it quite liberating.

It was only with the new wave of superheros where Edwin had had his interest piqued by one. (Daisy's superhero name), a class C superhero who was quickly climbing the ranks and making a name for herself among the general populace, as well as with the villains. Thus Edwin began taking a more active role, donning prototype tech comprised of a non-newtonian fluid that Edwin could manipulate to his will. While his reputation didn't change among villains besides finally having a 'face' to put to their gadgets, he would quickly gain notoriety among heros - as Edwin didn't feel he had any reason to uphold a moral code with his ''enemies''. After a few encounters with some heroes expecting an easy win, the new 'Green Mantis' would quickly be classified at the highest danger level. Do not approach unless accompanied by a partner of equal security clearance.

The only hero spared from his violent behavior was (Daisy superhero name). It didn't take long for him to learn the true identity of said hero, the simple barista known as Daisy who the Nüyü HR team had just hired to brew coffee for the other workaholics employed by the corporation. The two had linked up on a dating app and Edwin, for once in his life, felt some sort of connection to the woman. (Daisy Superhero) would almost entirely be exempt from his violent acts, the Green Mantis often being more playful and evasive during their encounters. There is some contempt among other heros regarding this confusing, preferential treatment.

Post-Green Mantis

After being arrested and charged with multiple counts of (idk whatever), Edwin was shipped off to a psychiatric institution to bring him down from psychosis and his general illusions of grandeur. The Green Mantis was no more.

He would be released after a few years of rehabilitation. idk ill add more here when i remember how to write again


Dude Name




Edwin's prototype is a titanium alloy carapace over his chest and back - it features non-newtonian gel 'energized' by conduits within the metal shell. This gel can elongate, condense, expand, and absorb impact over a period of time.This gel most notably makes up his 'arm' where his regular prosthesis would go. However, there are six ports aligned over his back where this gel can extend out of, forming tentacles which Edwin can use for movement - such as launching himself, quick sprints up walls, swinging, etc.


Donning the Green Mantis disguise, his movements are extremely quick. Edwin prefers to hit fast and hard. His tech augments his body, allowing him to almost mimic the superhuman abilities of heroes. While he's not quite physically superior, he is conniving enough to win.


  • Edwin believes himself to be above most people.
  • He has an incredibly short temper.
  • He is missing his left arm - he uses a prosthetic he designed, both for 'normal' use and a different, prototype, prosthetic for when he is in disguise.
